Monday, October 13, 2014

Persian Empire: Artifact 9

Bull and Lion Relief

     The relief showing a lion battling/ killing a bull is seen on the staircases in Darius' palace, leading up to his throne room. The lion is a symbol of absolute power and heroic triumph while the bull is also a symbol of power seen in columns throughout the empire. It is also thought that the lion is the sun hitting the earth, which the bull is representative of. This follows along the other idea that the bull is winter being killed/ driven away by spring (the lion).

Works Cited
Information: "A Brief History of 'Noe-Rooz'." Iransaga. K. Kianush, Art Arena, 2004.
     Web. 13 Oct., 2014.
"Persepolis Citadel." Bible History. Web. 13 Oct., 2014.
doostmusic. "IRAN Documentary Yesterday and Today: Rick Steves." Online viedo clip.
     YouTube. YouTube LLC, 2014. Web. 13 Oct., 2014.

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